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    Travel care crossing borders with medicine

    Crossing Borders with Medications

    As air travel becomes more and more restrictive, travellers are having a hard time crossing borders with their medications. Security is becoming tighter to the point where even bottles of water are not allowed to be hand carried on board. So how can we make sure that we will be able to carry our medications onboard? The following are important tips on how to travel with your medications and what you should have with you to make that easier.

    • Pack extra medicines and supplies when travelling in case you are away from home longer than you expect or there are travel delays.
    • Carry a copy of your prescriptions when you travel
    • If you are taking injectable medications (eg. insulins) you must have the medication along with you in order to carry empty syringes as sharp objects like needles and scissors are restricted on flight.
    • Do not remove syringes or medicines from the original packaging with printed labels and manufacturer's information. Packaging is a good way to help airport security identify your medicines.
    • Show copies of your prescriptions and/or your medication bottles you have in your carry-on when you present to airport security for ease in clearance.
    • In response to security issues at your departure site and destination site, travel restrictions can change often. Arrange 2 to 3 hours before your flight in order to pass through the security with plenty of time.
    • With recent security concerns, the amount of liquids you are allowed to carry-on is limited and in some countries prohibited. Liquid medicines are allowed on flight only in limited quantities and with may require an authorisation letter from a doctor or pharmacist.
    • In some cases, the airline may ask the on-board staff to store your medicines and syringes during flight. Keep your medicines, syringes, and supplies together in a carry-on case or travel case to make passing them to and from the flight staff easier with less chance of losing medications or supplies.
    • If travelling aboard, become familiar with the laws, restrictions, and requirements of the countries you are travelling to.

    Liquid, Aerosol and Gels restriction by the aviation industry

    If you are departing from Singapore, you are allowed to hand carry liquids, aerosol or gel and creams of not more than 100ml per bottle. You are required to pack them in a resealable bag (ziplock) at a size no more than 20cm by 20cm. Each person is allowed to carry only 1 resealable bag and the number of bottles inside the bag must not exceed 10. All other liquids, aerosol, gels and creams will be required to be checked in.

    However, aviation rules varies with different countries, do check the restrictions or requirements of the destination country to have a smooth trip!