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    Blog posts of '2023' 'March'

    Burns & Scalds
    (0) Burns & Scalds
    Burns and scalds are both caused by being exposed to high temperature. Burns are caused by dry heat such as being burnt by fire, electrical burns or getting sunburnt. Scalds are caused by wet heat such as hot liquids or steam.
    Allergies/Hives (Urticaria)/Rashes
    (0) Allergies/Hives (Urticaria)/Rashes
    Allergies are over-reactions of the immune system to a substance that normally causes no harm. It is caused by allergens, which are substances that produce an allergic reaction. Examples include pollen, mold or animal dander (tiny skin particles released from animals with fur or feather).
    (0) Toothache
    Toothache is pain that is felt in or around the tooth. This happens when the nerve root of the tooth is irritated by tooth infection, decay or injury.
    Strains & Sprains
    (0) Strains & Sprains
    Strains and sprains are common types of injury that affects the muscles, ligaments and tendons. A ligament connects two bones and helps to hold a joint together while tendons attach muscles to bones.
    Muscle Ache / Cramps
    (0) Muscle Ache / Cramps
    Muscle aches are pain in the muscles, whereas muscle cramps are often described as uncontrolled and painful contractions of the muscles. The most commonly affected areas include muscles at the back of the lower leg, thigh, arms, shoulder and rib cage. Muscle aches or cramps happen most frequently when a muscle is overused or injured, for example, after intense exercise or physical activities.
    Menstrual Cramp
    (0) Menstrual Cramp
    Menstrual cramp is also known as dysmenorrhea. It is caused by prostaglandins which are chemicals formed in the lining of the womb during menstruation. Prostaglandins cause muscle contractions in the womb, resulting in pain, decreased blood flow and oxygen to the womb.
    (0) Backache
    Backache is one of the most common pain disorders. It can be caused by strains or sprains involving the muscles and ligaments at the back area. It can also involve injury to the backbone and nerve.
    (0) Angina
    Angina is chest pain arising from the heart muscle when it does not get enough oxygen. The most common reason for angina is Coronary Artery Disease (CAD). CAD happens when plaque, which is made of fat, cholesterol, calcium and other body substances, builds up in the blood vessels that deliver oxygen to the heart. The build-up of plaque causes your blood vessels to become narrower and less oxygen is delivered to your heart.